Friday, March 6, 2009

What's That?

I took C. outside today to play with the dandellions. We blew the seeds off of stems (or just spit on them), and turned his palms yellow with the flowers.

I forget that things like this are new to him. He's such an enthusiastic explorer, it makes me eager to show him new things. Like dirt clods, or how if you sniff a morning glory hard enough, it'll stick to your nose.

All in due time. Right now, I'm content just to watch him teach his "friends" what he's learned.


merelyLooking said...

These pictures remind me of the ones where you're blowing bubbles in a glass of milk at grandma's! Good going passing on those experimental genes!

MelancholySmile said...

Oh my gosh, I forgot all about turning your palms yellow! I've GOT to do that with my kids. :)